First Annual Freddie Hubbard Memorial Jazz Band Fest

This is the first year The Indianapolis Jazz Foundation has hosted the Freddie Hubbard Memorial Jazz Fest at Arsenal Tech. This program honors Indianapolis's jazz legacy while supporting music education for IPS high school students.

The festival was held on February 11, 2022 at Arsenal Tech High School.

When the students in the participating school’s jazz bands arrive they get a half hour of warm-up. They then go to the auditorium and perform 2 to 3 tunes. Then they return to the band room and Indianapolis Jazz Foundation clinicians give a half hour of feedback about their performance. It is a learning opportunity for students and a way for Indianapolis jazz musicians to give back to the young musicians in the community who need their influence.

There were six participating schools and about 75 total student participants.

  • Arsenal Technical High School

  • Crispus Attacks High School

  • George Washington High School

  • Shortridge High School

  • Park Tudor High School

  • Leo High School from Fort Wayne, IN

Honoring The Musical Legacy of IPS and Jazz

This festival program teaches students about all of the jazz greats from Indianapolis. Students are encouraged to listen to Freddie Hubbard, J.J. Johnson, Wes Montgomery, and other Indianapolis legacy musicians. It raises awareness and exposes students to jazz music so they can learn about the cultural history of Indiana.


Who is Freddie Hubbard?

Jazz & bebop trumpeter and flugelhornist Freddie Hubbard was born in Indianapolis on April 7, 1938. He began playing at Arsenal Tech High School and went on to become a Grammy Award-winning jazz musician. This festival takes place at his high school alma mater in his honor.

The Indianapolis Jazz Foundation offers several growing resources to learn about jazz history, including the recently launched Indianapolis Jazz Hall of Fame virtual museum.

Freddie Hubbard was inducted into the Indianapolis Jazz Hall of fame in 2007. For a full biography, photos, videos, playlists, and more, visit the Indianapolis Jazz Foundation, Indianapolis Jazz Hall of Fame website. Freddie Hubbard can be found on the Inductees page along with many other Indianapolis jazz musicians and influencers.

Your donations help further jazz education in Indianapolis.

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Indianapolis Jazz Hall of Fame Launch